Thursday, November 12, 2009

Arts Update!

New Standards Documents

It has certainly been a busy time the past 2 weeks! We have finalized the drafts for the state board review. Please look over the additions and changes at the following link:
If you have any needs for clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. I am happy to help in any way.

The press release from yesterday’s state board meeting regarding the new standards can be found at the following link:

Content Specialist Online Office Hours
The content specialist team has begun a needs assessment on what priorities you have for implementation of the new state standards after adoption in December. We hope to get input from all stakeholders in what supports you will need as we begin implementation planning. Please see the information below about our next online office hours and we hope you can “tune in” so we can hear from you!
Please join the content specialist team on Monday, Nov. 16 for district leaders, teacher leaders and other stakeholders to give their input on CDE's effort to provide service to districts toward implementing the new Colorado Academic Standards. Please join us online at 3:15pm by signing in at the following link:Click Here for Additional Information
Online CDE Art Gallery
As a result for the state-wide art call out, we now have student art in our fourth floor hallway art gallery as well as on our online art gallery. Please visit the content specialist collaborative site (see below) and click on the Arts page in the left side navigation pane. Please know the collaboration site is “under construction” and only has a few entries. If you have suggestions for what you would like to see on any of the arts pages, please let me know. It is a collaborative site so its purpose is to collaborate with all of you! Enjoy our talented student artists’ work. Our next art-call out will be in April, 2010. I would like to thank all of you who contributed to this first endeavor!
Collaborative Site
• You will need a g-mail account to access the site
• The site has:
– PD Calendar
– Resources
– Blog
– Office Hours

That is the latest “breaking news” for now! I look forward to hearing from you if you have any needs or suggestions as we continue to build electronic tools to stay connected!

Take care!